This study describes and discusses the experience of caring for an advanced liver cancer patient using palliative care. The patient underwent chemotherapy upon admission to the hospital, but the condition worsened, leading to the death anxiety. During the nursing care form December 5, 2018 to February 8, 2019, the author assessed the patient using the Gordon's 11 functional health patterns, through observation, conversation, and medical record review. The major health problems of the patient included ineffective breathing pattern, chronic pain, high infection risk, and death anxiety. During the nursing period, we provided the small fan and high concentration oxygen to mitigate breathing difficulties. The visual analog scale was used to assess the chronic pain, and through essential oil massage, music therapy, deep breath, gentle caress therapy and comfortable lying position to reduce pain. We also performed the health education of catheter care, wound care, and infection prevention. We utilized life review, interpersonal relationships, and spiritual comfort to relieve patient's death anxiety. Finally, the patient can face death peacefully, understand the meaning of life, share the worriment in mind, and come out of the dismal. We hope to share this nursing care experience with the nursing staffs as a reference for similar situations.
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