This article describes the nursing experience of caring for a lung cancer patient who received immunotherapy for the first time. The period of nursing care was from May 29th, 2020 to June 17th, 2020. Data was collected through direct patient care, interviews, and observation of family interaction; The Gordon 11 Function Health Patterns was utilized to evaluate this patient’s health issues, which were identified to be gas exchange disorder, impaired skin integrity, and anxiety. In the nursing care process, through active care and companionship, the author established a good nurse-patient relationship with the patient. The pursed-lip breathing, small fans and essential oil massage methods were employed to alleviate the discomfort of breathing and wheezing; the patient was taught the proper dietary intake and adequate bathing methods to relieve skin itching and promote wound healing; a supportive and safe environment was built for timely emotional support, guidance to help the patient think positive, encouragement for the patient to face treatment, and anxiety reduction. Because it was the first time for the patient to receive immunotherapy, he got anxious about the uncertainty and side effects of the treatment. It is recommended to provide some assistance to reduce the anxiety in patients who undergo the immunotherapy for the first time and help them to face the treatment positively through intervening by the cross-team care, consulting with the specialists to explain the drug efficacy and side effects and explaining the care methods of immunotherapy by the case manager. At the same time, it is hoped that this nursing care experience can be a useful reference for the other nurses caring for the same type of patients in the future.
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