This case report describes the nursing care for a 44-year-old male, who was diagnosed with terminal stage of chondrosarcoma, during the period from August 15 to August 24, 2019. The author, through interviews, observations, medical records, and a four dimensions assessment in the aspect of physical, psychological, social, and spiritual, identified the following health problems, which included ineffective breathing pattern, pain, grief and so on. In addition, the patient, while coping with the physical discomfort caused by the cancer, also had to face the end of life and the fear of separation from his family. One of his biggest regrets was that he was unable to spend time with his youngest child or watch him grow up. Therefore, we discussed with his family how to assist in this situation to make his wish come true. We used his old photos to make a video file, which will be used to help his son get to know him as he grows up. Furthermore, he hoped his child could feel his fatherly love coming through the video. In the meantime, his youngest son was brought to the hospital to stay with him. All this allowed him to enjoy the family time in his final days without regrets. It was also suggested that the patient made use of the picture books to express his feelings and help the young child understand that his father was leaving the world, all of which could deliver the goal of a happy ending.
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