
Migration and Integration: Findings, Tendencies and Solutions




Joachim H. Knoll




1卷1期(2002 / 04 / 01)


105 - 126






The essays start with a reflection on the historical dimension of the subject whereby the finding is, that migration is a general phenomenon which shows differences in its motives and intensity. The floods of migration in a broader perpective are dependend from the economic, religious or political situation and impacts and normally goes from East to West in recent times from South to North. Whilst the phenomenon seems to be normal and general the terms connected with the overall aspect of migration show a changing profile, generated by the incidents for migration: refugee, immigrant, migrant worker asf. Within the European context migration as in many other industrialised countries became a problem because of the quantity of migrants, their cultural and religious background, their poverty and their tendency to regard themselfes no longer as ”ransitory” migrant workers but as citizens with permanent residence in a new envorinment. The society was gradually developing towards a pluralism of lifestyles and shows on the side of the immigrants language prophiciencies, which hindered integration. In many countries immigration and integration became an inseparabel compound in the political and educational debate. Solutions to overcome arising problems started from granting citizenship towards the educational integration of the youngsters into the school system and the social integration which aimed at bridging the gap between the migrant people and the autochthon population. Great expectations partially failed and even the ”third generation” shows tendencies of establishing a parallel society. New immigration acts tremendously emphasize the integration and therefore ambitious models for integration have been developped recently.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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