
Curriculum Integration: A Many-Headed Monster?




David Bridges




1卷1期(2002 / 04 / 01)


21 - 47






This paper starts with several references to educational policy in the Republic of China which calls for greater integration of the school curriculum. It observes four different ways in which the notion of curriculum integration has been used as a principle of curriculum organisation: • the co-ordinated curriculum-driven by a desire for educational efficiency and effectiveness and cross curricular planning; • the unified curriculum-driven by epistemological commitments to do with the essential unity of knowledge; • the student centred curriculum-driven in particular by a commitment to constructivist psychology and learning theories; • socially integrated curriculum-driven by a desire to connect school learning to the world outside; and then adds a fifth set of considerations to do with; • curriculum integration as a re-distribution of power-not necessarily an intended consequence, but one, nevertheless which the curriculum reformer will be wise to recognise. The paper draws on theoretical writing and in particular experience of these forms of curriculum integration in the United Kingdom as a resource to identify some of the potential problems and possibilities inherent in these forms of curriculum development.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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