
Reflections on the Recent Innovation of the National Curriculum in England




Richard Aldrich




1卷1期(2002 / 04 / 01)


65 - 89






This paper is divided into eight sections. The first, entitled ”Starting points,” provides a brief description of the National Curriculum and an identification of frames of reference, both methodological and theoretical. Succeeding sections provide a variety of reflections. The first of these considers the extent to which the National Curriculum was a genuine innovation; the second explores the main arguments for and against national curricula in general and this curriculum in particular. The next section revisits these arguments in the aftermath of the National Curriculum. Two sections explore more fundamental issues. The first places the National Curriculum in the context of the changing relationship between education and the state. The second develops this theme with particular reference to the establishment in 1995 of the Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) and an increasing concern with vocational education. Curriculum revisions from the year 2000 are reviewed. Finally, some overall conclusions are drawn which look forward to possible curricular developments in the twenty-first century.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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