
James A. Beane課程統整理論之評析






James A. Beane ; 課程統整 ; 民主課程 ; James A. Beane ; curriculum integration ; democratic curriculum




3卷2期(2004 / 10 / 01)


49 - 68




本文旨在探討美國課程學界主張課程統整最力的學者之一James A . Beane的課程統整理論之思想淵源、理論內涵、限制及對國內課程統整研究發展與實務推動之啓示,James A. Beane課程統整理論發展脈絡與時代背景包括:美國社會與教育背景、美國課程統整發展及James A. Beane之生平與思想脈絡三方面。其課程統整之理論基礎含括哲學、心理學及社會學三方面,在哲學方面包括進步主義、社會重建主義及批判理論;在心理學方面則包括完形心理學、機體心理學與建構主義;社會學方面則以知識社會學為主。其次,James A. Beane課程統整理論之理論內涵包括理念澄清、教室運作、迷思與挑戰、全國課程和民主課程及課程統整展望五部分。最後,本文試圖指出James A. Beane課程統整理論之批評與限制,進一步提出對國內課程統整研究發展與實務推動之啓示。


The purpose of this study is to explore James A. Beane's theory of curriculum integration. The development and background of the theory of curriculum integration advocated by James A. Beane includes three aspects, i.e. social and educational background of America, the development of curriculum integration in America, and James A. Beane's biographical sketch and the source of his thoughts. The theory of curriculum integration is based on three aspects: philosophy, psychology and sociology. The aspect of philosophy includes progressivism, social constructivism and critical theory. The aspect of psychology includes gestalt psychology and constructivism. For the sociology, the knowledge of sociology is imperative. James A. Beane's theory of curriculum integration contents the meaning of curriculum integration, the practical working in classroom, the myths and challenges of curriculum integration, national and democratic curriculum, and the perspective of curriculum integration. In conclusion, this study points out the theory's criticism and limitation. Furthermore, it refers to the revelation of the design and development of domestic curriculum integration and the suggestions to researches in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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