






組織承諾 ; 教師承諾 ; 組織文化 ; 學校文化 ; 高職教師 ; 高職學校 ; Organizational Commitment ; Teacher Commitment ; Organizational Culture ; School Culture ; Vocational Teacher ; Vocational School




3卷2期(2004 / 10 / 01)


69 - 96




本研究旨在了解高職學校組識文化及教師個人背景與教師組識承諾彼此的相互關係。研究的進行係透過問卷調查設計,抽取台灣地區高職學校公立26所、私立24所總計1000位教師進行資料的蒐集,有效回收率63.4%。 研究結果顯示:(l)大體而言,學校文化中理性主導、成長調適、凝聚共識及層級節制四種類型中高分組對於組識承諾都明顯高於中分組與低分組,在四種文化類型中得分越高對於組識承諾就越高;其中,除了理性主導構面外,其餘三個構面對於組識承諾具有顯著的預測力,此預測力〈包含顯著程度與幅度〉頗為強健,並不因教師背景變項的影響而改變。(2)整體而言,各種教師背景變項雖然不至於影響組識文化對組識承諾的預測力,但卻有助於提高教師組識承諾的解釋程度,因此在探討教師組識承諾時,似不應忽略教師背景變項的可能影響層面。(3)在相同的組識文化情境下,則僅有教師的年齡大小最能夠正向、顯著的預測教師的組識承諾。 本研究的重要啓示是高職學校除了應該加強塑造凝聚共識型文化與層級節制型文化外,也應對年長與女性教師向心力與認同感表示肯定,並且再度運用他(她)們的智慧與經驗來協助高職教育與課程的改革。


The purpose of this study was aimed to examine the relationship between organizational culture of and vocational teachers' commitment to vocational high schools in Taiwan. The population for the study was all vocational high school teachers in Taiwan area. Total of 1000 subjects drawn from the 26 public vocational schools and 24 private schools were surveyed. 634 study subjects responded to the survey, yielding an effective return rate of 63.4%. Data analysis indicated that vocational teachers perceived higher scores in the four types of organizational culture tended to have higher levels of organizational commitment. The predictive power of organizational culture to organizational commitment was found to be ”robust” in a sense that the partial coefficients of organizational culture in the regression model were not likely to be affected by adding a set of control variables. In addition, the set of teachers' demographic factors was proven to be influential in explaining the variation of vocational teachers' commitment. When statistically holding all other variables (including school culture) constant, it was determined that subjects' age was the most significant, positive variable to predict the levels of vocational teachers' commitment. The implications of these findings suggest that vocational high schools should mold or shape such organizational culture as consensual culture and/or hierarchical culture types in order to stir up teachers' commitment. Furthermore, aged and female teachers should be appreciated for their high commitment to schools. Their experiences and talents should not be ignored in the newly reform wave of vocational education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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