Under the impacts of economic globalization, the international competitions for capitals and talents have become intense. This situation has gradually changed higher education. One of visible changes is increasing transnational higher education (TNE), which has becomes a significant aspect of the globalization of higher education. This has led to a change in the discourse of higher education. This discourse is a core element in planning, management, and culture of universities. It is also turning the nature of internationalization of higher education from cooperation to competition. Thus, while traditional coordination of higher education has been challenged, these factors brings new implications for internationalization of higher education. This study attempts to put forward an extended framework to re-conceptualize Clark's triangle of coordination (1983) for globalization and higher education research. This extended framework is adopted to analyze the operation of the TNE and its implications for internationalization of higher education. While internationalization of higher education has become an important higher education policy in Taiwan, the implications of the TNE for internationalization are relatively ignored. After reviewing the current state of the TNE in Taiwan through examining laws and regulations, the conservative attitude of the government toward the TNE is clearly revealed. Such a conservative attitude might limit internationalization of higher education. Finally, the implications of TNE for internationalization of higher education in Taiwan are discussd in this study.
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