


A Study of Leisure Psychological Profile and Resilience between Youths with and without Delinquent Behavior




劉淑燕(Suyen Liu);林玉茹(Yu-Ru Lin)


休閒心理特質 ; 復原力 ; 休閒動機 ; 休閒無聊感 ; 偏差少年 ; Leisure Psychological Profile ; resilience ; leisure satisfaction ; leisure boredness ; delinquent youths




4卷2期(2005 / 11 / 01)


37 - 56




研究背景:過去文獻顯示適當休閒活動可減低少年生活壓力,少年若有正當的休閒活動與良好的休閒心理特質,將可預測減少許多因為遊手好閒而無事生非的犯罪事件,發揮更大的犯罪預防功效。 研究目的:本研究主要目的為探討休閒活動與少年復原力之相關情形,透過休閒動機、休閒無聊感、休閒滿意度瞭解少年休閒心理特質,進而瞭解休閒心理特質對少年復原力的影響與相關。 研究對象與方法:以問卷調查方式調查125位嘉義縣某國中學生與嘉義縣地方法院觀護人室受保護管束之偏差行為少年,年齡均在12-15歲之間。研究工具包括:「少年休閒心理特質問卷」與「復原力量表」,各分量表之Cronbach α介於.83~.78之間。 研究結果:一、整體而言,復原力與休閒動機、休閒滿意度呈現正相關,當少年的復原力越高時,其休閒無聊感越低。二、在迴歸分析的面向上,一般少年中各休閒變項與復原力均有顯著預測力(F=87.30(上标 *)、F=99.76(上标 *)、F=20.58(上标 *)、F=30.11(上标 *)),其中休閒滿意度對復原力的解釋變異量(R2)達到37%,為三者之間較高者。三、偏差行為少年的各休閒變項與復原力之間的預測力均偏低且不顯著,唯有休閒無聊感對復原力達顯著(F=4.49(上标 *)),顯示高度的休閒無聊感容易產生偏差行為。四、結語:休閒心理特質與復原力是有相關具有解釋力的,顯示透過改變少年的休閒行為以達到增進復原力的目的則使休閒的功能更上一層樓。


Background: Previous research shows that leisure activity can reduce life pressures on youths. A good leisure psychological profile through proper leisure activities is highly effective in reducing youth criminal rates. Purpose of the Study: This study examines the relationship between leisure psychological profile and resilience between youths with and without delinquent behavior. Leisure Psychological Profile was evaluated in leisure motivation, leisure boredness, and leisure satisfaction. Subjects and methods: The sample included 83 junior high students from a Chia-Yi junior high school and 42 junior high students with delinquency behavior from Chia-Yi Youth Court, aged between 12-15 years old. The measurement tools included Youth Leisure Psychological Profile and Resilience measurements. Cronbach α for each sub- measurement is from .83~.78. Results: First, there is a highly positive relationship among resilience and leisure motivation and leisure satisfaction in youths. A reverse relationship was shown between resilience and leisure boredness in youths. Second, from multiple regression analyses, each of the leisure psychological profile variables has strong predictions of resilience (F=87.30(superscript *)、F=99.76(superscript *)、F=20.58(superscript *)、F=30.11(superscript *)). Particularly, the explained variances for leisure satisfaction was the highest ((R2)=37%). Third, no significant differences were found between leisure psychological profile variables and resilience in youths with delinquent behavior, except for leisure boredness (F=4.49(superscript *)). This shows that the more leisure boredness, the higher the possibility of delinquent behavior. Finally, having more healthy and adventurous leisure activities could promote resilience in youths.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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