


Autonomous Learning and Self-Empowerment: A Research of the Students in the Taipei Autonomous Secondary Education Center




黃心怡(Hsin-Yi Huang)


自主學習 ; 自我賦權 ; 另類教育 ; autonomous learning ; self-empowerment ; alternative education




4卷2期(2005 / 11 / 01)


81 - 113




在自主學習理念的教育方案下,青少年透過自我敘說呈現其學習歷程,另類教育的陶養與主體自我賦權產生什麼樣的辯證關係?本研究採用德國社會學者F. Schütze所發展的敘述訪談,進行青少年學習經驗的資料採集方法,資料分析是採Moustakas所建構的現象學研究法。研究發現學習轉化的歷程實隱含自我賦權的可能性,然自我賦權是依據每個人的獨特性,具有著多元的面貌。此特殊性的展現,則是需要相當與適當的環境來培養,此環境條件包括:藝術性活動的提供、等待的時間空間、我-汝關係的建立,以及教育者的價值反思。另類教育所具有的意義是強調「關係」的重要,對差異的認同,以及社群的互動。其所扮演的積極角色,是對現今一般學校產生擾動與演化的壓力,提供教育多元的選擇,促進台灣教育朝向更豐富的面向開放。


This paper attemp ts to explore the dialectics between autonomous learning and self-empowerment. It examines oral biographies of teenagers in order to analyze how youths come to construe the self in relation to their life world and how they cope with conflicts in an alternative school. The method of data collection was the narrative interview; the method of data analysis is based on phenomenological research methods. The findings indicate that depending on the uniqueness of each individual, the possibility of self-empowerment can be exhibited in various aspects during the process of learning. A suitable and healthful environment is required for the presentation of the each student's uniqueness. Such an environment includes offering artistic activities, providing suitable time and space, building I-thou relationships, and reflecting on the value of educators. Alternative education with its characters contributes to the emphasis on relationships, the essence of diversity, and the interaction between communities which will stimulate Taiwan's education towards heterogeneity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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