


The Power Relation of Spatial Arrangement and its Explanation for Education




蘇永明(Yung-Ming Shu)


監視 ; 規訓權力 ; 權力/知識 ; 傅科 ; surveillance ; disciplinary power ; power/knowledge ; Foucault




6卷2期(2008 / 02 / 01)


19 - 40




本文是採用傅科在《規訓與懲罰》一書中監視的概念,與Thomas Markus從建築的角度所指出的建築與人、建築與知識和建築與物品之間所產生的權力關係。筆者結合這兩種觀點,用來解釋教育情境中的各種空間安排所可能產生的效果。人們常在不知不覺間,受制於從來自於空間安排所產生的各種限制和引誘。傅科從這種規訓權力的角度來看待人的處境,認為權力不可能完全排除,人不是絕對自由的,權力與知識形成一體的兩面。對於教育的解釋,規訓在教育中扮演重要的角色,但是規訓並不等於教育,教育還需給予學生相當的自由空間才能培養出創造力等特質。今日,監視器越來越普遍,它一方面可預防犯罪,但也可能侵犯人權,這正和傅科對權力所界定的,同時具有正面和負面效果相同,值得吾人深思。


The author adopt the concept of surveillance from Foucault's Discipline and Punish, and Thomas Markus's theory of power between buildings and people, buildings and knowledge, and buildings and things. These two viewpoints are organized, and were applied to the explanation of educational settings. People are often disciplined by the restriction and the seduction from spatial arrangement. The human condition, in Foucault's view of disciplinary power, can never be totally free because power can not be excluded in any situation. Power and knowledge become the two faces of one thing. In explaining education, disciplinary power plays an important role in education, however, they are not of the same. Education still needs freer spaces for the cultivation of desirable characters, like creativity. At the present, there are monitors everywhere which can deter the occurrence of crime and can also invade human right at the same time. This is the same as the definition of power defined by Foucault which implies both positive and negative effects.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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