In this paper, we are going to discuss the test example whether its consequence exists the effect of crisis contagion and spillover effect between the stock and exchange markets of Taiwan and the stock market of U.S., and also for the leverage effect of the individual market. The time points of structural changes in the volatility of the return are detected first, based on the iterated cumulative sums of squares (ICSS) algorithm developed by Inclán and Tiao (1994), and also adopts the generalized error distribution (GED)-EGARCH model to test the leverage effect, including the dummy variables which instead of the break points of the individual market. Second, this paper show that the VAR model can be used to test the spillover effect which use Granger-causality test. At last but not the least, this paper zeroes on the estimating the Dynamic conditional correlation-Multivariate GARCH models that was supported by Engle (2002), and also estimates the dynamic conditional correlation coefficient using the standard deviation that was estimated by GED-EAGRCH model. Moreover, this system also constructs the simultaneous confidence interval method to test contagion effect. Therefore, we find that the stock and exchange markets of Taiwan, and stock market of US exist the leverage effect, and the effect of crisis contagion from US spillover to Taiwan between two stock markets.
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