


Based on Consumer's Choice Preference for Planning New e-era Mobile Phone Market






新世代行動電話 ; 效用理論 ; 選擇偏好 ; 層級分析法 ; 模糊積分法 ; Mobile telephone ; Utility theory ; Customer behavior ; AHP ; Fuzzy integral




10期(2006 / 12 / 01)


49 - 68




由於電信市場競爭的白熱化,促使電信業者運用補貼政策吸引消費者使用其相關服務的現象逐漸普遍。此外加上行動通訊技術的快速進步,促使手機逐漸由單純的通話功能轉向多元化功能的整合。因此,新e世代行動通訊市場的規劃比以往更為複雜,因為以往由行動電話製造商主導的行動電話市場會因為電信業者的採購實力與補貼政策而逐漸走向兩個不同型態的大眾市場發展。擁有行動電話設計與製造實力的電信業者會選擇其自家的行動電話作為補貼或促銷的標的,所以其採用的策略會是依據消費者偏好來選擇一系列行動電話作成搭售方案;而單純的電信服務業者則會與擁有行動電話設計與製造實力的公司共同推出新款之e世代行動電話,其採用的策略則是能針對不同服務使用量的客戶規劃出大量客製化行動電話。因此本研究想找出消費者對於行動電話的購買動機來自於那些服務需求並找出其相對應的功能設計組合,並依據不同消費者屬性來規劃新e世代行動電話;本研究以產品形象、產品價格、產品功能與衍生功能之四個評估構面與14個評估準則來找出消費者對於新e世代行動電話的購買動機需求,並運用層級分析法(Analytic hierarchy process AHP)與模糊積分法(Fuzzy integral Method, FIM)來建構新世代行動電話價值創造評估模式,本研究並選用20~30款目前市售或即將上市的第三代行動電話,以不同消費者屬性來評估各款行動電話在價格滿意度(產品價格)與價值滿意度(產品形象、產品功能與衍生功能)兩個維度的表現,本研究並以年齡層在21~30歲的男性、女性與男女混合三種消費者屬性來驗證各款行動電話的滿意度分佈,研究發現目前第三代行動電話的最佳發展策略是在目前的價格水準上提高價格不敏感的形象與功能,其次不同屬性間確實存在差異,相同款式的行動電話對男性而言滿意度是高過於女性,不過整體而言在21~30歲年齡層對於手機款式與功能的選擇仍趨於一致。


Because of the sharp competitions in telecommunication markets, telecommunication service providers (TSPs) are impels to attract consumers to use their relevant services by subsidy. In addition, cellular phones are designed to integrate the multi-functions under the great development of communication technology. Therefore, new e-era plan of communication markets become more complicated than the one in the past. In the past, the manufactures of cell-phone manufactures dominate the development of mobile telephone market. As the result, the TSP's purchase strength and subsidy policy let telecommunication markets divide into two different types of markets. Some TSPs will subsidize and promote well-know brands of cell-phones, therefore their operation strategy is to adopt a series of cell-phone based on consumers' preferences, and to provide some promotional cell-phone bundled with their service package. Other TSPs will provide some custom-made cell-phones which are developed under the collaboration with some manufacturers; therefore, their operation strategy is to develop huge number of customized cell-phones based on the requirements of several different groups of consumers. This study wants to find out what kind of services provided by TSPs the consumers’ motivations of purchase of cell-phones come from, then to find their corresponding functions of products, and to plan new e-era cell-phone based on different customers' attributes and preferences. This study uses the four evaluation aspects (image of product, price of product, function of product and derived function of product) and 14 evaluation criteria to find out customer's motivation of purchase and needs for new e-era cell-phone. Besides, we use AHP (analytic hierarchy process) and FIM (fuzzy integral method) to construct the value-created evaluation model of the new e-era cell-phones. This study selects 20~30 styles 3G cell-phones which has been sold on the market, and uses different customer's attribute data to evaluate price’s satisfaction (product’s price) and value's satisfaction (product's image, product's function and product's derive function) performance of these 3G cell-phones in 2-axle evaluation picture. This study shows three different customer's attributes (male, female, both) data's satisfaction performance of these 3G cell-phones in 2-axle evaluation picture using 21~30 years ago level. This study first suggests the better market strategy of 3G cell-phone is to provide good product's image and product's functions which are both price insensitive. Second, there are differences of choice preferences between different groups, for instance, male's satisfaction is higher than female's satisfaction to the same style of 3G cell-phones. However, this study has also found that, in general, the choice preferences of the age level from 20 to 30 tend to be the same.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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