


The Effects of Air Cargo Warehouses' Service Quality on Trust, Commitment and Behavioral Intentions






服務品質 ; 信任 ; 承諾 ; 行爲意圖 ; Service Quality ; Trust ; Commitment ; Behavioral Intentions




6卷1期(2007 / 06 / 01)


41 - 55






Customer loyalty is the outcomes of long-term relationships between seller and customers in relationship marketing viewpoint. Service quality is the antecedent variable of customer loyalty. Trust is a necessary ingredient for successful relationships. Commitment is long-term orientation relationship for one party toward another party. Both trust and commitment could have the cause-effects on long-term relationship or customer loyalty. It is suitable to introduce the concepts of relationship marketing for exploration the long-term business relationships among air-cargo warehouse industries, air-cargo forwarder industries and customs brokers. The purpose of this study is to construct a cause-effect model which adopt the ”service quality” as the antecedent variable, the ”trust” and ”commitment” as the mediators, and then explore the effect on behavior intentions which with loyalty implication. The air-cargo forwarder industries which also are customs brokers were selected as the study samples and tested the constructed model. On the basis of the research results, the integrated cause-effects model was significant; the influence of service quality on behavior intentions and the mediating effects of trust and commitment are also tested, the ample and concrete managerial suggestions and references are offered for related air-cargo warehouse industries.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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