Because of Globalization trend, the enterprise of the environment became fast variety and dynamic state. The catena thoroughfare of 3C (Computer, Consumer Electronics, Communication) in Taiwan retail trade is rapid and have to expand. Now, the same trade market competition becomes gradually vigorous. Similar kind of products gradually narrows the gap between the functionality, and the successful key to enterprise isn't only limited to the height of the product technique, so the contented customer need is a main target. The statistics of the basis Directorate General of Budget, Accounting & Statistics, 3C retail services in the current cost of investment even more than commodity. To explain service quality's importance for customer, the purpose of this study is to build a quality of service model for the 3C retail trade service. First, we identify the critical success factors as criteria for assessing the performance of 3C Retail trade Service and through literature review and expert screening procedure. Then, DANP is used to construct the evaluation model for measuring service quality performance of the evaluation factors which can be used as 3C Retail trade subsequent deal with the problem with reference to its direction. After empirical results of this study, it demonstrates that the head office in the enterprise level supporting is the key successful factor which can also improve service reliability, consequently, the performance of the other service quality are influenced my service quality.
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