


The Study of the Street Stalls Weight Loss Methods and the Weight Loss Programs in the Hospital




高小雅(Hsiao-Ya Kao)


減肥 ; 減肥藥 ; 減重 ; 減重班 ; 醫院 ; Overweight ; Obesity ; Weight loss method ; Weight loss drugs ; Hospital




3期(2004 / 05 / 31)


259 - 272




由於現階段國民飲食及生活習慣大大的改變,國民的體重過重及肥胖盛行率逐年的攀升,依據衛生署2002年調查結果顯示,目前成年男性過重及肥胖盛行率(BMI≧24.2)已高達32.1%,女性則為31.7%。相伴這些過重及肥胖的因素,也帶來許多健康的問題,如心臟血管疾病、糖尿病、高血壓等,對國人的健康造成很大的威脅。 在資訊發達的現今,無時無刻都可看見誘人心動的減肥塑身廣告及方法,這些方法有:減肥食品、減肥藥、減肥器材、減肥手術及醫院減重班等的減肥塑身廣告,層出不窮,使人眼花撩亂,不知所從。民眾因減肥不當所引起的各種併發症及副作用,也常有所耳聞;究竟何種減肥途徑才是正確的方法?本文特別針對目前坊間減重方法與醫院減重班之趨勢來探討,並整理數十篇相關文獻,提供參考,期望能為國人提供以健康為出發點的正確減重方法。


Overweight and obesity have prevailed in recent years, because of the change of eating habit and life style. According to the survey from Department of Health in Taiwan, the percentage of overweight men (BMI≧24.2) has risen to 32.1%, while the percentage of overweight women is 31.7%. It has been caught to our attention that some diseases, such as cardiovascular, disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure are coming along with overweight and obesity. In the information era, the alluring weight loss advertisements are everywhere. These advertisements include weight loss supplements, weight loss drugs, weight loss equipments, weight loss surgeries, and weight loss programs in the hospital. Those advertisements are so capricious that people are always confused by varieties of them. It is common that people, using unhealthy weight loss methods, had side-effects due to these unhealthy methods. To offer people an efficient and healthy weight loss method, this study summarized dozens of relevant articles especially focused on the street stalls weight loss methods and the weight loss programs in the hospital.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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