


A Study of Judo Development in Taiwan




蔣明錦(Ming-Jing Chiang)


柔術 ; 台灣柔道 ; 日據時代 ; 發展現況 ; Jujitsu ; Taiwan Judo ; Age of Japan colonial ; develop situation




4期(2005 / 05 / 31)


395 - 402




柔術乃柔道之前身,其傳授系統繁異,直至西元一八八二年嘉納治五郎精研各派技術之後,去除柔術中危險動作並嚴定比賽規則,於東京創建「講道館」,始稱其系統為「柔道」,而柔道運動也在嘉納治五郎先生的努力推廣之下漸漸步上國際的舞台。迨台灣光復以後,所有日本人全部遣還,學習柔道之風氣因而曾一度沒落,所幸有以台灣柔道推展為第一人生標之人士,如黃蒼浪(武專)、張銀淮(早大)、謝龍波(拓大)、張國安等愛好柔道的前輩多人,不辭艱苦排除萬難,於民國四十二年十月三十日成立全省柔道協會,並自第七屆全省運動會增列柔道為表演項目,民國四十三年第九屆台灣省運動會時柔道便列為正式比賽項目。此外各地柔道訓練班,各大專中學柔道隊也紛紛成立,全國從事於柔道界或學習柔道者,已多達四萬五千人以上,其中加入柔道協會且領有段數者,亦有一千多人。在往後十五年間,台灣柔道選手參加了第一、二、四屆的世界盃柔道錦標賽、第二屆亞洲運動會、第十八屆東京奧運等國際柔道比賽,除此之外日本柔道名人與大學柔道強校,也相繼來台訪問與指導,使得台灣柔道技術有長足的進步。如今的柔道協會已漸入軌道,練習柔道的人口也日漸增多,以93全國中正盃為例,總參賽人數達到二千多位,已是歷年來參賽人數最多的一次,但與國內其他的熱門運動相比,似乎還有一大段差距。 本研究透過文獻分析及研究者從事柔道運動的自身經驗,採行動研究的步驟歸納出四點策略,以供有關單位作為參考,茲將有利於柔道運動發展的要素,列述如下: 一、尊重專業技術規劃 二、經費籌措及爭取預算 三、廣設基層訓練站 四、職業運動之發展


Judo envoled from Jujitsu and has mulitple branches. The Japaness prof. kam master denominate the Judo who set up new compete rules, built the 「kodokam Judo」, researched the skill of every branch and detruncate the form that may cause martials injured in 1882, and brought Judo to platform of the whole world. The ethos of learing Judo has moved down after TAIWAN recoveried, all the Japaness retrieved. Fortunately, someone who commited for Judo and take it's development as his life goal like Huang Tsang Lang Chiang Ing Hwai Shey Long Pwo and Ching Kwo An, made efforts to established Association of Taiwan Judo in Octbor 30,1953. Their efforts let the 7th Carnival of Taiwan province treated Judo as performed competition, and equted it as formal competion in 9th Carnival of Taiwan province. Judo center was wild set up from local to university, and population who involved in Judo was accumulated to forty-five thousand, and one thousand persons at least has signed in the Association of Taiwan Judo. In the next 15 years, Taiwan jockstraps joint the first、secondary and 4th World Cup for Judo the secondary Asia Carnival and 18th International Judo Carnival in Tokyo. Many famous Judo star in Japan and university team squentially arrived in Taiwan for erecting Taiwan Judo and made it growed up greatly Associatoin of Taiwan Judo has become blooming and people involed in Judo has increased greatly. Take National Chung Cheng Cup in 2004 for example, the players has accumulated to two thousand at least., it's the Judo carnival that has the most players sign in. But it's still a long way to become popular exercise as some other sport. The main purpose of this reserch is to analyze development in Taiwan according to paper study and resercher's own experience. Reasercher adverts four poionts as results for improved Judo development in Taiwan. The study results are as follows: 1. Apprize for professional planning and arrangement. 2. Conciliated expenditure and made it well arranged. 3. Set basic trainning center wildly. 4. Develop the professional movement of Judo.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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