The purpose of the research was to examine the perceived coach leadership behaviors and team cohesion of Division A of Table Tennis Athletes in Taiwan's universities and colleges, and in order to find the different performances between each team. The study subject was Division A of 239 table tennis athletes from universities and colleges who attending The 2006 National University Sport Game. A total of 239 copies were dispatched, 229 of the questionnaires were effective, 95.81% of the returned questionnaires were valid. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe's method and Pearson Correlations were used to analyze the collected data. The important results and findings can be summarized as follows:
1. Perception of coach leadership behaviors
(1) Gender: Female players were much more aware of 'Training and Instruction' by coaches than male players; male players were much more aware of 'Negotiating Behavior' by coaches than female players.
(2)Players' Level: National level players perceived much more 'Training and Instruction' and 'Encouraging Behavior' by coaches than the level of National Sport Game and University Sport Game. Especially, players of National Sport Game perceived 'Training and Instruction', 'Encouraging Behavior', and 'Concerning Behavior' higher than players of University Sport Game.
2. Team cohesion
(1)Gender: Male players' performance on 'Interpersonal Congeniality' was better than female players.
(2)Take part in a competition: The performances of players who take part in a competition practically had better 'Interpersonal Congeniality' than bench players (without entering the competition).
3. Correlations between the coach leadership behavior and team cohesion
There were significant differences in each dimension between coach leadership behavior and team cohesion.
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