


The Verification of Self-Presentation Confidence Inventory in Physical Activity




胡凱揚(Kai-Yang Hul);王俊明(Jun-Ming Wang)


身體活動自我呈現自信心量表 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; Self-Presentation Confidence Inventory in Physical Activity ; confirmatory factor analysis




6期(2007 / 05 / 31)


169 - 179




本研究之目的在於檢視身體活動自我呈現自信心量表的因素結構。本研究蒐集大專院校學生共800份有效問卷,以SPSS 11.0軟體隨機區分為兩組樣本,每組樣本各400份。第一組樣本以SPSS for Windows 11.0初步驗證此份樣本之信效度,根據胡凱揚、黃素芬(2005)指定因素個數為三個,分別為體型吸引力、體重的控制、能力的展現,共16題。第二組樣本以LISREL 8.51進行驗證性因素分析,考驗量表假設性測量模式的適配度。研究發現:一、身體活動自我呈現自信心量表的三個分量表(體型吸引力、體重的控制及能力的展現)累積解釋變異量為50.60%,顯示本量表具可接受之信效度。二、以LISREL驗證性因素分析的適合度指標顯示身體活動自我呈現自信心量表的三因素測量模式符合實徵資料(χ2(99)=343.77, RMSEA=0.079, GFI=0.90, CFI=0.90, χ2/df=3.47)。因此身體活動自我呈現自信心量表具有建構效度,可供後續研究者進行相關研究。


The purpose of the study was to examine the factor structure of Self-Presentation Confidence Inventory in Physical Activity (SPCIPA). There were 800 valid questionnaires collected from the college students. The samples were divided into two groups (400 cases/group) by an SPSS 11.0 random procedure. The first sample set was used to examine the reliability and variability preliminarily. Based on the study of Hu & Huang (2005), there were three factors (physical attractiveness, weight control, and ability presentation) in SPCIPA, and totaled to 16 items. The other sample set was conducted the confirmatory factor analysis by LISREL 8.51 to examine the goodness-of-fit of the hypothetical measurement model. The results of this study indicated that: 1. The three subscales accounted for 50.60% of total variance. It revealed that there were acceptable reliability and validity. 2. The results of CFA indicated that modified model of SPCPAI fitted the data (χ2 (99)=343.77, RMSEA=0.079, GFI=0.90, CFI=0.90, χ2/df=3.47), and SPCPAI had appropriate construct validity and could be used in related research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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