


To Know and to Prevent Sports Injuries of Badminton




郭名集(Ming-Jo Guo)


羽球 ; 運動傷害 ; 傷害預防 ; 室內運動項目 ; Badminton ; sports injury ; prevent injury ; Indoor games event




6期(2007 / 05 / 31)


334 - 343




運動的目的在於增進身體的健康以及精神的調和,然而,在從事羽球運動或比賽的同時若產生了運動傷害,甚至於造成無法挽回的遺憾,是非常得不償失的。因此,預防勝於治療的觀念是避免造成運動傷害的最高原則。 羽球運動是一種具有高技術性且連續、快速、往復移動的運動,羽球場地雖然不大,但卻是球類運動中唯一不能落地且必須一次將球回擊至對方場區的運動。就羽球運動的特性而言,球員在運動過程中產生的運動傷害並非來自於外力撞擊或是器材的不良,主要因素還是來自於球員本身對於羽球運動的負荷能力以及動作技巧等自發性傷害居多。因此,經由了解羽球運動傷害的發生原因、運動傷害發生的形式、產生運動傷害的機轉、容易造成運動傷害的部位以及認知預防的方法,並深入了解該項運動的操作方法與技巧,應當能減少從事運動所帶來的運動傷害;做到「良好的精神狀態、強壯的身體能力、正確的運動觀念、充足的休息調養、妥善的傷害處理」五大原則,以期能夠獲其利而去其弊,才是正確避免運動傷害的方法。


The athletic purpose lies in promoting body health and conciliating in spirit. However, it is more a loss than gain, that getting sports injuries or even irretrievable hurts in the course of the badminton exercise or competition. Therefore, the idea that preventing in advance is better than therapy later is the most important principle to avoid sports injuries. The badminton is a kind of high technique, continuous, fast, and constant moving back-and-forth exercise. Although the badminton court is not very big, but it is the only one sport event the rules provide that the ball can't fall to the ground and the player must strike back the ball to the other area once. In regard to the characteristics of the badminton exercise, the player's sport injuries do not mainly come from outside impact or bad device and implement. The main factor causing injuries mostly comes from the lack of the exercise carrying capacity and the technique. Therefore, if we can understand that what reasons and the mode cause the exercise injury, and which part of body occur exercise injuries easily, and know the methods of preventing injuries in advance, the correct actions and the techniques of Badminton exercise, it should reduce the occurrence of sport injuries. The correct method to preventing sport injuries and gain the benefits to avoid disadvantages of exercise is to do following five major principles exactly-”fine mental condition”, ”strong physical ability”, ”right ideas of the exercise”, ”abundant rest”, and ”appropriate treatment after getting hurt”.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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