


An Empirical Study of Purchase and Repurchase Behavior of Sports Lottery




李世昌(Shish-Chang Lee)


運動彩劵 ; 購買 ; 再購行爲 ; 結構方程模式 ; sports lottery ; purchase behavior ; repurchase behavior ; structure equation modeling SEM




8期(2009 / 05 / 31)


36 - 62




本研究之目的在於探討民眾對於2008年所發行的運動彩劵之購買以及後續的再購行爲,並藉此建立運動彩劵購買與再購行爲模式,進行實證之分析。運用結構方程模式(structure equation modeling, SEM)分析運動彩劵購買與再購行爲模式配適度與線性關係,結果顯示經過刪除9個數值較低之變數,提高模式的配適度之後,比對建議數值與綜合各項數值分析,運動彩劵購買與再購行爲模式之建構效度良好。模式當中之購買對再購行爲之直接影響效果最高,另一方面,根據有公信力的比賽投注,開獎公開透明不作弊造假誤差項與如果別人能中獎,我也有機會中獎誤差項之線性關係數值最高,其次是娛樂購買誤差項與聽到投注站談論的明牌而購買誤差項之線性關係。建議營造運動彩劵迷購買的衝動,娛樂刺激性質的銷售關聯,運動彩劵相關資訊的提供,強調運動彩劵獎金刺激買氣,繼續維護公信力與合法性,促銷運動而提升再購買意願,激發暫時不再購買運動彩劵消費者的購買慾,讓民眾持續支持與購買運動彩劵。


The purpose of this study was to discuss the public's purchase behavior and their repurchase behavior of sports lottery starting sales in 2008 in order to establish and verify the model of purchase and repurchase behavior of sports lottery. Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) was utilized to analyze if the model was acceptable and the correlation analysis was in progress. After eliminating 9 variables with lower statistic parameter and comparing received data with suggested parameter, it was concluded that the construct validity was fit the suggested value. The results also indicated that purchase has the highest direct effect on repurchase behavior. Besides, error of ”betting on credible games and integrity and candid draws” had the closest correlativity with the error of ”I will be the winner if someone else can”. The second highest correlation was between ”purchase for entertainment” and ”placing a bet because the conversations heard in a betting store”. It is suggested that the relevant information for sports lottery be well provided to the public in order to boost sales. Furthermore, the sports lottery sales dealers shall do whatever they can to build impulsive buying atmosphere for those consumers who have not placed bets for a long time and to fire up their purchase desire. The most important is the management of sports lottery shall do their best to maintain the legitimate and credibility of this activity. Only reputable image earns people's continuous support.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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