The aim of this study was to investigate the health lifestyle in tennis players. The subjects in this study were the tennis players who qualified in the second round in 2008 National Intercollegiate Athletic Game. The health lifestyle questionnaire was used in this study and it was distributed to 281 tennis players. 202 questionnaires were completed and 181 of those were valid which resulted in a 90% return rate. All data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The Result showed that first, the categories of tennis players' emotional health, nice environment health, stress, and medical self-responsibility were good; Second, in terms of different gender, male players were better in categories of fitness and body care than females. Third, as for years of playing, athletes who had been playing 9~10 years had worse body, stress, nutrition, and self-reasonability management than those who had been playing for more than ten years (p<.05). Overall, the health lifestyle in tennis players was good in this study. Coaches and players should pay more attention to female tennis players who have been playing more years. Athletes should strengthen their healthy behaviors and lifestyle which can benefit them to have a competitive physical condition to achieve a better performance on the field.
The aim of this study was to investigate the health lifestyle in tennis players. The subjects in this study were the tennis players who qualified in the second round in 2008 National Intercollegiate Athletic Game. The health lifestyle questionnaire was used in this study and it was distributed to 281 tennis players. 202 questionnaires were completed and 181 of those were valid which resulted in a 90% return rate. All data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The Result showed that first, the categories of tennis players' emotional health, nice environment health, stress, and medical self-responsibility were good; Second, in terms of different gender, male players were better in categories of fitness and body care than females. Third, as for years of playing, athletes who had been playing 9~10 years had worse body, stress, nutrition, and self-reasonability management than those who had been playing for more than ten years (p<.05). Overall, the health lifestyle in tennis players was good in this study. Coaches and players should pay more attention to female tennis players who have been playing more years. Athletes should strengthen their healthy behaviors and lifestyle which can benefit them to have a competitive physical condition to achieve a better performance on the field.
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