


A Test of a Structural Model between Sport Commitment and Exercise Behavior




馬上閔(Shang-Min Ma);馬上鈞(Shang-Chun Ma);陳聖峰(Sheng-Fong Chen)


規律運動 ; 健康生活型態 ; 結構方程模式 ; regular exercise ; healthy lifestyle ; SEM




10期(2011 / 05 / 31)


212 - 229




The purpose of this research aimed to confirm the structure model of sport commitments and exercise behavior, and specifically to investigate the relationship between sport commitments and their precursor factors: sport enjoyment, involvement alternatives, personal investment, social constraint, involvement opportunity, and the relationship between sport commitment and exercise behavior. A sample of 656 usable surveys was obtained from undergraduate college students at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology with cluster random sampling and the quota sampling method during March 2010. SAS 8.0 was employed in the procedure of model identification and modification. The goodness of fit and parsimony statistics for this alternative model were: χ^2=604.94 df=214, p<.05; NFI=.91; NNFI=.91; CFI=.94; GFI=.94 RNFI=.97; RPR=.08; RPFI=.07. Results showed that (a) all related to sport commitment had significant positive effects on exercise behavior (β=0.73) ; (b) sport enjoyment had significant positive effects on sport commitment (β=0.19); (c) involvement alternatives had significant positive effects on sport commitment (β=-0.12); (d) personal investment had significant positive effects on sport commitment (β=0.54); (e) social constraint had significant positive effects on sport commitment (β=0.17); (f) involvement opportunity had significant positive effects on sport commitment (β=0.20). Based on the results, future studies can target at the difference age cohort for the purpose of increasing the external validity of this model.


The purpose of this research aimed to confirm the structure model of sport commitments and exercise behavior, and specifically to investigate the relationship between sport commitments and their precursor factors: sport enjoyment, involvement alternatives, personal investment, social constraint, involvement opportunity, and the relationship between sport commitment and exercise behavior. A sample of 656 usable surveys was obtained from undergraduate college students at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology with cluster random sampling and the quota sampling method during March 2010. SAS 8.0 was employed in the procedure of model identification and modification. The goodness of fit and parsimony statistics for this alternative model were: χ^2=604.94 df=214, p<.05; NFI=.91; NNFI=.91; CFI=.94; GFI=.94 RNFI=.97; RPR=.08; RPFI=.07. Results showed that (a) all related to sport commitment had significant positive effects on exercise behavior (β=0.73) ; (b) sport enjoyment had significant positive effects on sport commitment (β=0.19); (c) involvement alternatives had significant positive effects on sport commitment (β=-0.12); (d) personal investment had significant positive effects on sport commitment (β=0.54); (e) social constraint had significant positive effects on sport commitment (β=0.17); (f) involvement opportunity had significant positive effects on sport commitment (β=0.20). Based on the results, future studies can target at the difference age cohort for the purpose of increasing the external validity of this model.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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