


A Study on Flow Experience and Leisure Benefits of Road Running Participants




陳春安(Chun-An Chen)


慢跑 ; 心流 ; 參賽者 ; jogging ; flow ; participants




10期(2011 / 05 / 31)


230 - 244






The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between flow experience and leisure benefits of road running participants. The method was questionnaire survey by using random sampling method, all survey samples were collected from the road running participants of 2011 Tainan ancient capital international marathon, the total 755 effective samples were obtained. The measuring tools of this study consisted flow experience scale and leisure benefits scale. The canonical correlation analysis was conduct to analyze the data. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between flow experience and leisure benefits of road running participants. The conclusion of this study suggested that the Government or related agencies should organize more road running events, so that participants would feel the pleasant of flow experience and then to enhance their leisure benefits, and also have healthy and happy road running experiences.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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