In Taiwan, scuba diving is usually divided into recreation al diving and industrial Diving. The article mainly discusses the similarities and differences from scuba diving to technical diving. Both scuba diving and technical diving are base on leisure, recreation and enjoying the undersea views and marine organisms. Therefore, recreational diving is divided into two main parts, scuba diving and technical diving. Scuba diving uses open-circuit equipment and normal atmospheric air in an open water area. It doesn't have to decompress and it has deep limitation, so recreational diving is safer and easier than technical diving. Recreational diving training course is from basic, middle to high level step by step, and the highest is instructor trainer course, it called ”vertical training.” Technical diving uses rebreather or special open-circuit equipment and use of mixed gases. It is operating the decompression procedure, Diving depth Deeper, Diving longer, execution of a closure or sheltered dive environment etc, it is more difficult operation. If you want to learn technical diving there must be a scuba diving license, the introductory course is to use advanced high-oxygen, the courses passed the test you can learn other special courses, it is a transverse training methods.
SDI 台灣官方網站(2012)。SDI 課程介紹。2012 年02 月10 日,取自 http://www.tdisdi.com.tw/sdicour.html
TDI 台灣官方網站(2012)。TDI 課程介紹。2012 年02 月10 日,取自 http://www.tdisdi.com.tw/sdicour.html
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