


A Study of Exercise Stage, Social Physique Anxiety, and Exercise Behavior




鄭豐譯(Fang-Yi Cheng);莊淑(王如)(Shu-Ru Chuang);聶喬齡(Chiao-Lin Nien)


大學生 ; 差異性 ; 健身運動行為 ; university student ; difference ; exercise behavior




11期(2012 / 05 / 31)


72 - 87






In the research, the relationship between different exercise stage, social physique anxiety and exercise behavior is discussed. The difference, in terms of gender and different exercise stage, in social physique anxiety and exercise behavior is also discussed. A total of 610 university students participated in the questionnaire investigation. There were 262 male students and the average age was 18.40 ± 0.62. There were 348 female students and the average age was 18.38 ± 0.66. The research tools used included scales regarding social physique anxiety, exercise stage and exercise behavior. In terms of data analysis, descriptive analysis, point-biserial correlation, Pearson's product-moment correlation, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA and Scheffe's method were applied. The research results were: 1. There was a low to moderate relationship between exercise stage, social physique anxiety and exercise behavior. Social physique anxiety was negatively correlated with exercise behavior. 2. Male university students showed higher exercise behavior than that of female students and their social physique anxiety was lower than that of female students. 3. In terms of male university students in different exercise stages, there were significant differences between their social physique anxiety and exercise behavior. For female university students, they showed no difference in social physique anxiety yet there were differences among them in terms of exercise behavior. In conclusion, there is a relationship between exercise stage, social physique anxiety and exercise behavior. For male university students in higher exercise stage, their exercise behavior is higher whereas their social physique anxiety is lower. However, it is worthwhile to notice that female university students' social physique anxiety is the same despite different exercise stages. It may due to that, female university students' attention and subjective feeling toward their physique are more obvious which leads to higher social physique anxiety despite the exercise stage.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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