The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the Team Building for university students’ resilience. The sample, 318 students from 7 classes, participated in the study were those who enrolled in the team building courses. The data was collected via the Inventory of Adolescent Resilience, IAR. The results indicated that university students’ resilience, "problem solving and cognitive maturity", "hope and optimism", "empathy and interpersonal interactio", "emotional regulation", was significant increased after the team building courses. The male students showed more "emotional regulation" resilience than their female students. The students in the Business Administration department and Industry Engineering Management department were to possess more "problem solving and cognitive maturity" resilience than their counterparts in the Sport and Leisure department. There were no differences among the resilience of the students either in continuous education and regular classes. The researchers suggested that the team building courses were worth to promote in the school classes for enhancing university students' resilience.
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