


Development, Reliability and Validity of the Chinese Version of Children Playfulness Scale


張鳳菊(F. C. Chang);陳清祥(C. H. Chen);黃永寬(Y. K., Haung);周宏室(H. S. Chou)


遊戲 ; 創造力 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; 競爭模式 ; 複合效化 ; play ; creativity ; confirmatory factor analysis ; competing model ; cross-validation




16期(2017 / 01 / 31)


17 - 36




目的:本研究目的為針對幼兒的玩興特質的測量予以中文化修訂並加以驗證,建立一個適合測量華語地區幼兒玩興之中文工具。方法:量表係經過一系列嚴謹的分析程序進行,第一階段,以台灣3-6歲幼兒(M=5.05, SD=0.74)為樣本,共302人(男童),本階段所蒐集的資料用來進行項目分析、探索性因素分析、内部一致性檢驗;第二階段的樣本為台灣2-6歲幼兒(M=4.69, SD=1.11)為樣本,幼兒性別為男童502人,女童509人,共1011人,此階段所蒐集的資料用來進行驗證性因素分析與複核效化檢測。結果:結果顯示,修正後的二階單因子模式最能解釋幼兒玩興量表,此一模式經過信效度分析之後,顯示模式之觀察值與潛在變項有良好的建構信度、聚合效度與區別效度;此外,複核效化的檢定也證實此模式具有穩定性及預測力。結論:本研究幼兒玩興量表確定為具有良好信、效度之測量工具。未來可將之用於幼兒玩興測量,並以用以驗證玩興、運動與創造力等相關研究。


Introduction: The purpose of this study was, based on Lieberman's playfulness (1965) theory and Barnett's Children Playfulness Scale (1990), to develop and contract a Chinese language scale to measure young children' playfulness. Methods: A series of analyses were conducted to examine the scale's reliability and validity. The first sample set including 302 three to six years-old Taiwanese children was used to examine the factor structure of the scale by exploratory factor analysis. The second sample set including 1011 two to six years-old Taiwanese children were used for the confirmatory factor analysis and cross-validation. Results: The result of competing models indicated that the second-order factor model was the most efficient one. The internal-component evaluation of the model found that latent variables have good reliability, convergent validity, discriminant validity and construct validity. The results confirmed the model's stability and predictive power. Conclusion: A 17-item, Chinese version of scale for measuring "Children Playfulness Scale Chinese Version" was developed and validated. This scale can use for measuring early childhood playfulness and to verify the relevant among playfulness, game and creativity in the future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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