


Empirical Study on Leisure Sports Participation, Motivation and Happiness of Seniors in Tainan Area


黃俊彥(Chun-Yen Huang)


銀髮族 ; 休閒動機 ; 休閒參與 ; 幸福感 ; Seniors ; Leisure Motivation ; Leisure Participation ; Happiness




16期(2017 / 01 / 31)


87 - 111






The purpose of this research was mainly about current state of seniors leisure sports participation in Tainan Area. It applied structural equation modeling to analyze fitness and various path coefficient of the research framework and discussed the effect of leisure motivation and leisure participation on happiness while the seniors doing leisure sports. The research applied questionnaire method and took 400 seniors above 65-year-old in Tainan Park as research objects by the method of purposive sampling. From May 10 to 25, 2016, 400 questionnaires were distributed in total, in which, 387 valid questionnaires were recovered after recycling and sorting and the recovery ratio of valid questionnaires was 96.75%. Conduct descriptive statistics on statistics acquired in recycling questionnaire by SPSS statistical software and conduct structural equation modeling to analyze convergent validity, discriminant validity, model fitness and cross validation by AMOS statistics software. Analysis results showed that the overall model fitness was good. The results showed that 202 people were female seniors, accounting for 52.2% of valid samples; 187 people were primary school education level, accounting for 48.3% of valid samples; 152 people were aged 70-74, accounting for 39.3% as the biggest population. Constructing the relationship between leisure motivation, leisure participation and happiness by structural equation model, we could find that correlation coefficient of leisure motivation and leisure participation was 0.41*; leisure motivation vs. happiness path coefficient was 0.71*; leisure participation vs. happiness path coefficient was 0.16*, all those coefficient showed significant level. According to the research results, researchers put forward three suggestions to improve leisure motivation, leisure participation and happiness of seniors, expect to provide the reference for Government, Social Welfare Institutions associated with the seniors and Academic Research Unit when they formulate and implement welfare policy and conduct the follow-up research in future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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