Purpose: This study is to investigate students' participating motivations, the hindrance factors, understanding the current status of participating in sports clubs. The research will be provided to physical education and help students to eliminate the obstacle factors and perk up the school atmosphere in sport. Results: 1. the motive of the sport clubs was the highest demand for "self-achievement", followed by "psychological need" and "social need", while the "health and fitness" demand was the lowest. 2. The survey in the obstacles of sport clubs showed that "external factors" above "personal factors". "Too many people in the field", "poor weather" "Lack of equipment or poor quality" that affected the participation of high school students in sports clubs. 3. Students joined the Track and Field clubs their "self-achievement need" and "psychological need" significantly higher than those students in the dance clubs. 4. Students, who have long extra exercise, would have higher motivation to participate sport clubs. 5. Male and female have significant differences. Female students' obstruction of individuals and external factors were higher than male's. 6. Participation in sports clubs within a year, the individual and external obstacles were higher than the longer. 7. There was a significant correlation between the "personal factors" and the four motivations, among which "health need" was the most relevant to "personal factors". There was a significant correlation between "external factors" and "health need", "social need" and "personal factors", but "Self-achievement demand" had a negative correlation. "Psychological need" was not significantly correlated.