


Discussion on the Teaching Strategy of Taekwondo Course for Early Childhood


黃信捷(Hsing-Chieh Huang);邱共鉦(Kung-Cheng Chiu);吳素婷(Su-Ting Wu)


跆拳道 ; 創新教學 ; 幼兒教學 ; 教學方法 ; Taekwondo ; Innovative teaching ; Early childhood teaching ; Teaching method




20期(2021 / 07 / 31)


172 - 190






Objective: The purpose of this paper is to explore the teaching strategy of Early childhood taekwondo courses, scientifically and reasonably seek the teaching mode suitable for Early childhood learning of taekwondo, and provide the reference and theoretical basis for early childhood education practitioners and taekwondo teachers in curriculum arrangement and teaching method application. Background: With the continuous development of the social economy, the constant innovation of education in today's society, people's constant attention to early childhood education, how to improve early childhood teaching methods is worth the attention of educators. Early childhood taekwondo courses have become an emerging sport in kindergartens. At present, there is still a lack of research on the teaching of Early childhood taekwondo courses for stage, which hinders children's physical and mental development and taekwondo enlightenment and development. Conclusion: Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign literature, this paper discusses the past teaching methods of children's teaching, physical education, taekwondo course and analyzes and integrates the teaching policy of the Early childhood taekwondo course. It provides diversified teaching methods for Early childhood taekwondo courses by using game learning guidance, clever use of exciting competitions, story and situational integration, and creation of taekwondo rhythm. The enlightenment and development of taekwondo lay a good foundation. The study results are expected to provide references for teachers engaged in early childhood teaching, curriculum design and teaching practice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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