


Pain Management of Bone Metastasized Prostate Cancer Using Acupuncture - A case study


張凱惟(Kai-Wei Chang);張清貿(Ching-Mao Chang);陳方佩(Fang-Pey Chen);楊仁鄰(Jen-Lin Yang)


攝護腺癌 ; 骨轉移 ; 針刺 ; 中醫 ; Prostate cancer ; Bone metastasis ; Acupuncture ; Traditional Chinese medicine




15卷2期(2017 / 09 / 30)


5 - 16




本病例是一位七十二歲的男性,於2014年12月解尿困難至臺北榮民總醫院接受檢查,發現其血清攝護腺特異抗原數值(prostatic specific antigen,PSA)升高,確診為攝護腺癌後開始接受荷爾蒙療法治療。2015年1月7日患者表示下背疼痛,伴隨雙腳無力行走,全身性骨掃描檢查發現有多處轉移,並於2015年1月29日開始針對骨頭多處轉移開始給予西藥藥物治療,但患者表示下背痛並未獲得改善,雙腳無力仍需依賴助行器才能行走,遂至本院傳醫部門診尋求針刺治療,希望能減輕下背疼痛之不適感。針刺治療以調和氣血、以通止痛概念為主,經過將近一年針刺治療,患者下背痛病情已穩定改善,且下肢無力行走之情形,已可恢復到行動自如狀態。本病例報告可提供中醫治療攝護腺癌合併骨轉移癌痛之有效臨床案例探討。


A 72-years-old male presented with dysuria was admitted to the Taipei Veterans General Hospital (Taipei VGH) in December, 2014. The examinations revealed the elevating prostatic specific antigen (PSA), which was diagnosed as prostate cancer and he started to received with hormonal therapy treatment. On 7th Jan, 2015, the patient complained about lower back pain and difficulty walking due to weakness of lower limbs. Following the bone scans revealed multiple metastases, oral medications were added to the treatment. Since the patient's back pain did not improve with the treatment and he still required ambulatory aids due to weakness of the lower limbs, then he turned to acupuncture for pain relief in the Center for Traditional Medicine, Taipei VGH. The acupuncture principle of treatment for this case is "harmonizing qi and blood for relieving pain". The patient's back pain and weakness in the lower limbs got improvement after receiving the acupuncture therapies about a year, and he was able to walk without the ambulatory aids. This is an effective clinical case of pain management using acupuncture for prostate cancer with bone metastasis.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
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