


Investigating the Use of Worksheets as Museum Learning Devices from Discovery Learning Perspective




張美珍(Mei-Chen Chang)


探索學習 ; 活動單設計 ; 博物館教育 ; Discovery learning ; Worksheet design ; Museum education




7卷2期(2003 / 06 / 01)


63 - 79




博物館為了增加其展示教育之成效,除安排解說人員為觀衆進行解說之外,對於廣大的學生觀衆則常運用參觀活動單(Worksheet)作為輔助學生參觀學習的重要媒材。國內外各博物館也都積極投入設計活動單,以供學校師生運用。但活動單的設計應架構在何種理論基礎上?它對學生的參觀學習究竟發揮了多大的功效?事實上,參觀活動單的應用一直有兩面的評價,早在1960年代,便有人質疑活動單的運用成效,如容易反客爲主、視手段為目的,以及以偏概全等問題存在(Fry, 1987)。依國內外博物館的經驗,教師們在學生團體運用參觀活動單後的反應都不錯,而它也是博物館在有限的經費人力下,一種協助學生參觀的便利工具(于瑞珍等,民89;Durbin,1994;Feldman,1992)。 研究者因而以布魯納(Bruner)的探索學習與維高斯基(Vygotsky)之鷹架學習理論(Scaffolding)為基礎,建構博物館具引導之探索學習模式,據以探討參觀活動單的設計與運用。本研究以國立科學工藝博物館為研究現場,採質性研究方法,探究學生運用活動單的態度及認知學習的成效,發現活動單在科學博物館中的運用具有1.提供參觀的引導;2.引導觀衆探索並增加其與展品的互動;3.引發觀衆的思考或可促進其認知學習等三項功能。


In order to improve their educational function, museums provide interpretation for audiences. For large-group audiences such as school students, worksheets can be used as effective learning devices. For decades, many museums attempted to design worksheets to help students learn in museums. How do the worksheets function in student's learning? What learning theories should museum educators apply in designing worksheets? Museum educators for years have conflicting points of view regarding the use of worksheets as learning devices. Some argue that worksheet are merely an examination device or simply a treasure-hunting game which serves no useful educational purpose. On the other hand, some believe that with limited museum staff, worksheets are convenient guides to attract students' attention to exhibit. The purpose of this study is to establish a ”scaffolding” discovery learning model for museum education based on Bruner's discovery learning and Vygostsky's Scaffolding theory. Second, the investigator used a qualitative research method to study the use of worksheets as learning devices at the National Science and Technology Museum in Taiwan. This study traces eight group-audiences who use worksheets as their visiting guide and interview six groups to validate the findings. There are three major points concluded from this study: 1.Worksheets provide convenient guides accessing the exhibition information. 2.They guide audiences to interact with exhibits and promote discovery learning. 3.They also have the potential to improve audiences' cognitive learning.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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