The work of museum exhibit developing is quite heavy and trivial, We are familiar with the process of planning, design and fabrication which refers to the exhibit content itself and belongs to one part of the work. Actually, there are many unknown factors, such as arrangements for exhibit schedule, location planning and looking for outside resources as well.
”Explore the 90% Unknown: Samuel C. C. Ting and the Particle” is a special exhibit about high energy physics. Obviously, it is more difficult than many other subjects. This article tries to discuss all the challenges and solutions on the processes of exhibit developing:
1. For the visitors, this exhibited content is not easy; therefore, the construction techniques should be more interesting and creative.
2. For the time and location of the exhibit just wait for the proper chance to arrive.
3. For the utilization of resources, cooperation and supports among team members are definitely required.
Finally, whether the key character of this exhibit Nobel Laureate Samuel C. C. Ting, would come to visit this exhibit or not is unpredictable.