Popular science lecture has long been an import way of informal science education in science museums around the world. But none research explore the audience's outcome after their participation in science lectures. This paper mainly reported the result of a research that explored audience's learning outcome after attending ”the meeting scientists on Sunday science lecture series” held by National Science and Technology Museum in 2010.Methods of questionnaire and interview were employed for data collection. Totally, 1,436 questionnaires were collected and 24 people were interviewed. The evidence shows that the majority of participants in the lectures are main target audience of the program, such as teachers (21%) and senior high school students and above (50%). Motivations of listeners consist of intrinsic, extrinsic and practical factors. Also, both of quantitative and qualitative data suggest that most of participants feel that they benefit from the science lectures in knowledge and understanding, skills, change in attitudes and values, enjoyment, inspiration and creativity, behavior and progression.
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