


The Study on Customer's Cognitive Value and Learning Satisfaction of Technology Education Activities




李曄淳(Yeh-Chun Lee);楊翰宗(Han-Chung Yang)


科教活動 ; 教學態度 ; 學習情境 ; 顧客認知價值 ; 學習滿意度 ; technology activity ; teaching attitude ; learning atmosphere ; customer cognition value ; learning satisfaction




16卷1期(2012 / 03 / 01)


111 - 144






One study ever showed that technology creative activities offered by the National Science and Technology Museum (NSTM) indeed increase students' understanding of technology concept. However, the planners of these technology related activities in NSTM usually do not understand the real meaning of these activities (Weng,2007). In a technology museum the education idea, technological knowledge and museum concept of its activity lecturers are as important as the classroom atmosphere influence students' learning, their cognition of activities and their satisfaction with the activities. The purposes of this study are to research the impact of lecturers' teaching attitude and the learning situation on the establishment of students' cognition value and to examine the impact of customer's cognition value on learning satisfaction. Finally, this study researches the intermediate effect. This study also found that a lecturer's teaching attitude of technology activity can positively influence the cognition value and learning satisfaction of his or her students. The intermediate effect of customer cognition value indeed exists. Meanwhile, the learning atmosphere of teaching places does not significantly influence students' cognition value and learning satisfaction. The study hopes to offer NSTM a new way to evaluate activity lecturers. Besides, this study suggests that NSTM can maintain current students and attract new students by promoting customer cognition value and learning satisfaction in order to bring more functions of assisting schools' teaching and society education.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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