


"Understanding Climate Change": A Case Study of Learning Effects from Scientific Demonstration Events in Museum


蘇芳儀(Fang-Yi Su)


科學演示 ; 學習成效 ; 氣候變遷 ; scientific demonstrations ; learning effects ; climate change




17卷1期(2013 / 03 / 01)


61 - 102




本文係針對國立科學工藝博物館接受行政院國家科學委員會補助建置之「氣候變遷展」中參與「認識氣候變遷」科學演示的觀眾進行學習成效調查,期望藉由演示活動實踐科學教育活動之內涵,強化民眾對展示內容的認知,透過調查了解參與演示活動前後,受測者對於氣候變遷常識的認知以及觀念的改變,以做為政府相關單位擬定環境教育課程之參考。本文採用問卷調查法,總共發放前、後測問卷份數各為533份,問卷施測期間從2011年3月至2011年10月,淘汰答題不良問卷後,有效問卷數為517份,有效率為97%。本研究使用量化分析方法,量化研究以SPSS 14.0統計軟體為分析工具使用McNemar分析,結果分析發現:一、透過本次科學演示的方式,發現所有的受測者,在透過7個實驗以及13個問題的檢測後,對於「氣候變遷」的學習成效,其前、後測比較皆有達顯著性之效果。二、透過本次科學演示顯示以科學演示詮釋科技新知,更能夠引起受測者想像與好奇心,使博物館的科學教育成為獨特的學習方式。三、在觀念改變的題項上發現,所有受測者均有顯著的差異性,顯現:「受測者在學習結束後,在認知、情意及技能上的改變」,潛移默化了意識形態的認知。四、被受測者選為「認識氣候變遷」中最喜歡的科學演示單元,歸納其特色有以下:一個單元控制在5分鐘之內,演示物有足夠的尺寸方便受測者觀賞,演示過程有故事及鋪陳,讓受測者處於興奮狀態,實驗結果在短時間中顯現,且現象豐富生動。


This study focused on the National Science and Technology Museum's Climate Change Exhibition constructed with support from the National Science Council of the Executive Yuan; it surveyed the learning effects of visitors who participated in the scientific demonstration of ”Understanding Climate Change”. It is hoped that the demonstration can realize the meaning of scientific education activities to strengthen visitors' perceptions of the exhibition content. Survey was used to understand changes in their perceptions and concepts of climate change before and after participating in this activity, to serve as a reference for government institutions in establishing environmental education courses. This study used questionnaires, disseminating 533 pretest and posttest questionnaires between March and October 2011. After discarding questionnaires with incomplete answers, 517 valid questionnaires remained, with a valid retrieval rate of 97%. Quantitative research methods, as well as McNemar analysis using SPSS 14.0 software were applied as the analytical tool. The research analysis showed: 1. After this scientific demonstration and the 7 experiments, as well as the responses to 13 questions, it was found that the testees achieved significant learning effects in terms of the pretest and posttest on ”climate change.” 2. This scientific demonstration showed that using scientific demonstrations to interpret new knowledge in the fields of science and technology can better inspire testees' imagination and curiosity, making the scientific education of museum a unique learning method. 3. In terms of questions on conceptual change, all testees showed significant variances, which expressed that ”after learning is concluded, there were changes in terms of perceptions, emotions and technical ability,” and there was also an unobtrusive change in ideological perception. 4. Voted the favorite scientific demonstration unit by testees, ”Understanding Climate Change” had the following features: the unit was less than 5 minutes long, the demonstration had sufficient size to be observed, the demonstration process had story and narration and keeps the testees excited. The experimental results were shown within short periods of time and the phenomena were rich and lively.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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