


The View of Knowledge Representation in Museum Education: The Case Study of "Magical Geometry Math Camp"


麥綉婉(Hsiu-Wan Mai)


認知學習 ; 知識表徵 ; 先備知識 ; cognitive learning ; knowledge representation ; prior knowledge




17卷3期(2013 / 09 / 01)


33 - 57




從博物館、主題公園或藝廊等機構中,可以發現如此運用圖像和文物表徵的博物館教育,其透過觀眾置身於充滿圖像與文物的學習,以及回憶的知識表徵形式之應用,也是培養 其知識技能之關鍵策略。鑒於國內許多的學生皆有數學學習上的障礙,林迺超(2001)便指出數學學習的障礙可能的特徵,包括數學符號及概念認知有困難,以及對各項運算法則無法了解與正確運用。而為了探究學生置身於博物館的數學學習之中,是否能提供適性的教學方法,本研究採 個案研究、觀察法及內容分析法,以101年報名參加國立科學工藝博物館(以下簡稱科工館)的「神奇幾何數學」夏令營的35位國小三年級學生為研究對象的單一個案研究,進入教學現場,觀察與記錄教師的教學表徵與學生的學習行為。以學童分組的「數學小書(繪本)」作品內容作為研究工具,探討與分析其繪本內容所呈現的知識表徵類型,各類型表徵所傳達的認知學習與先備知識,以及對於博物館數學教學上之應用提出建議。本研究發現:一、學童表徵形態的特質符合年齡發展。二、七巧板創作繪本有融入學生的先備經驗。三、學童認知表徵形態與數學教學表徵具多元性應用。


Using images and artifacts to display ideas and knowledge can be found among museums, theme parks or art galleries. Application of images, artifacts and knowledge representation in the form of memories are key strategies for museum education to cultivate audiences' knowledge and skills.In view of many domestic students have difficulties in learning mathematics, Lin Nai-Chao (2001) pointed out that the math learning disabilities may have characteristics which included mathematical symbols and concepts of cognitive difficulties and the algorithm cannot be understood and correctly used. In order to evaluate whether the museum can provide adaptive teaching methods to explore students' math learning, this case study used observation and content analysis and took 35 third-grade students who participated in the ”Magical Geometry Math Camp” at the National Science and Technology Museum as a single case study. And characterization of teachers' teaching representation and students' learning behavior were both observed and recorded. Grouped students' ”math picture books” were used as a research tool to discuss and analyze types of knowledge representation and various types of cognitive learning and prior knowledge, as well as to make recommendations for math teaching in museums.The results were summarized as follows:1.Characterizations of morphological traits were consistent with the students' age of development.2.The jigsaw puzzle for picture books did merge into students' prior knowledge and experience.3.Students' cognitive representation of morphology and characterization of math teaching had multiple applications.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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