


A Research Re-Used of Historic Buildings Preservation-A Case Study of Hualien Sugar Factory the Japanese Residences


胡聰年(Tsung-Nine Hu)


歷史建築 ; 再利用 ; 產業文化 ; 集體記憶 ; Historic buildings ; Re-Used ; industrial culture ; collective memory




19卷2期(2015 / 06 / 01)


47 - 75




歷史建築係描述一個地方的歷史變遷、文化發展、社會演進、甚至政治意味的象徵,代表著地方紋理的意涵;而再利用常被賦予經濟發展與永續存在的價值目標,在修復的實踐過程中,即面臨「舊」與「新」、「變」與「不變」、「維持」與「再創」的操作議題,除需保存建築本體外,另一方面則需思考如何維持保存再利用後之存續價值,如此才能真正永續發展並創造產業文化生命的延續。花蓮糖廠歷史建築係台灣近代史發展所保存的產業建築與經濟設施,承載了高度的歷史文化意義,從歷史背景、建築技術甚至地景觀之,具有糖業文化資產的重要指標性意義。本研究探討糖廠的歷史建築如何透過保存、再利用的過程,使其持續地存在其價值並成為文化與經濟活動的場域;其次依據蒐集的史料分析歷史建築其價值、現況,以及內部資源與外部環境指標之SWOT分析、TOWS Matrix歸納花蓮糖廠歷史建築再利用的發展策略,同時發掘個案在執行及操作再利用時所面臨的挑戰與困境,提出建議。


Historic Buildings to describe a place of historical changes, cultural development, social evolution, even politically symbolic, representing the local texture of meaning; and reuse often gives economic development and sustainable existence value targets in the repair of practice process, which is facing the "old" and "new", "change" and "change", "maintain" operational issues and "create", in addition to the need to save the building of the body, on the other hand you need to think about how to maintain the save after surviving the value of re-use, so that it can truly sustainable development and the creation of the continuation of the industrial culture of life. Hualien Sugar Factory Historic buildings development of Taiwan's modern history saved industrial buildings and economic installations, carrying a high degree of historical and cultural significance, historical background, and even the landscape of building technology, an important indicator of significance Sugar cultural assets. This study investigated how the sugar through the preservation of historic buildings, the process of re-use, it continues to exist and became its value field of cultural and economic activity; second analysis based on historical data collected historic buildings value, status, and internal resources indicators of the external environment and SWOT analysis, TOWS Matrix induction Hualien sugar historic building reuse development strategies, while excavation of cases in the implementation and operation of recycling when faced with challenges and difficulties and make recommendations.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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