Science and technology (S&T) museums promoting visitors' scientific literacy has lacked convincing data. This study investigated the relationship between Taiwanese citizens' visiting S&T museums and scientific literacy in 2015, and further analyzed visitors' attitudes toward to informal scientific education institutes (ISEIs) to discuss indirectly the influence of visiting S&T museums and scientific literacy. Four main purposes were studied as follows: 1) Citizens' the frequency and characters of visiting S&T museums. 2) The difference of visiting and no visiting S&T museums and scientific literacy. 3) The relationship between the frequency of visiting S&T museums and scientific literacy. 4) The relationship between visiting S&T museums and attitudes towards to ISEIs. The representative adult samples of 1,831 citizens were surveyed in 2015, using probability proportional to size sampling method. Face interviewed with selected citizens to get information. Then, we used Chi-square test, Independent-sample t test and One-way ANOVA to analyze the data. Four major findings showed that: 1) Taiwanese citizens' percentage of visiting S&T museums was 28.9% during last one year. The major characters of Taiwanese citizens' visiting S&T museums were higher educational background (above bachelor degree), higher income (above 30,000 NT dollars per month) and lower age (below 40 years old). 2) Taiwanese citizens' visiting S&T museums showed scientific literacy more than those who are not visiting S&T museums. 3) Taiwanese citizens were more frequent visiting S&T museums; they showed much better scientific literacy. 4) Taiwanese citizens were more frequent visiting S&T museums; they showed more positive attitudes towards to ISEIs than those who are not visiting S&T museums. Positive attitudes towards to ISEIs including ISEIs were good educational institutes, visiting ISEIs could enhance scientific literacy, investing much resource to ISEIs was deserved etc. Summarized the above results demonstrated that Taiwanese citizens' more frequent visiting S&T museums, they showed much better scientific literacy and thought the ISEIs could provide the well educational resource and enhance their scientific literacy. The research provided implications for the visitor's study and impact of S&T museums in the future.
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蔡俊彥(編)(2016).2015 年臺灣公民科學素養概況.中山大學公民素養推究中心.