The nature of museums is to create a space for interpersonal interaction and communication. In recent years, due to the emergence of mobile devices, exhibit designs have also evolved along with technological advances, resulting in exhibitions conducted with mobile device viewing. However, current studies regarding whether mobile devices are beneficial for exhibition display are still debatable. How museums can apply mobile devices to create meaningful experiences is also a topic worthy of attention. In addition, museums have utilized the trend of mobile technology to attract audiences. Therefore, the study aimed to explore the roles of the mobile device on visitor's experiences at the museum. Participant observation and interviews are used as the research methods to collect qualitative data. Observations were made from three exhibitions in two fields. Moreover, in-depth interviews were conducted with two professionals who have related experiences. The findings showed that during the viewing of the exhibition, mobile devices play an important role in the conversion of virtual and real exhibit space and the conversion of the visitors' behaviors in social and personal, which categorize the role of mobile devices into four aspects: information pre-viewing type, real-time guidance type, emotion-transmitting type, and player task-based type. An analysis based on these four types was conducted through the Integrated Model of Player experience (IMP), from the 3 elements; context, mechanics, and narrative, describing a clearer picture of the museum visitors with mobile devices.
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