With advances in medical technologies, stem cell therapy has been receiving increasing attention. Under normal circumstances, differentiated cells cannot resume their original states. Therefore, for embryonic stem cell therapy, the cells must be obtained from embryos, the ethics and morality of which were a debated topic. The debate was later resolved after a Japanese scientist, Professor Shinya Yamanaka, invented induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell; for which Yamanaka won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The production of iPS cells involves interdisciplinary scientific research efforts. Presenting such efforts in a way understandable to the general public requires the selection and simplification of technical data without sacrificing the completeness of information, and the provision of content appealing to the audience. The science-technology-engineering-art-mathematics (STEAM) education philosophy was employed as the core framework for knowledge analysis. To determine whether the audience, after visiting the exhibit, improved their understanding and cognition of the key knowledge of stem cells and iPS cells or their outlook for the application of relevant scientific research, semistructured interviews were conducted for qualitative data collection and analysis. According to the results, most audience members had substantially increased understanding of the key knowledge of stem cells and iPS cells after their visit. The basic knowledge the audience had of stem cells before visits predominantly concerned bone marrow transplantation and cord blood; after visits, most of them exhibited better understanding of the concepts of stem cell differentiation and replication. Regarding the key knowledge of iPS cells, the audience's understanding was focused on the elimination approach adopted by Yamanaka, conversion of somatic cells into stem cells, and the four key genes. Factors that affected how well the audience understood the exhibit included the appropriate simplification and breakdown of content, having prior knowledge or education background related to the subject, and having relevant life experiences. The audience's outlook for the application of related scientific research mostly concerned medical applications, such as the restoration of organ functions and antiaging, solving rejection issues, and providing an additional source of embryonic stem cells.
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