
「基督長老教會Albion Press活版印刷機」的產業文化資產價值探討


Discussion on the Value of Industrial Cultural Assets of "Albion Hand Printing Press of Presbyterian Church in Taiwan"


黃俊夫(Jun-Fu Huang);吳慶泰(Ching-Tai Wu);李宇妍(Yu-Yen Lee);李昀璇(Yun-Hsuan Lee)


產業文化資產 ; 台灣基督長老教會 ; Albion Press活版印刷機 ; Industrial Cultural Assets ; Presbyterian Church in Taiwan ; Albion Hand Printing Press




25卷3期(2021 / 09 / 01)


115 - 152




2002年臺灣加入世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization,簡稱WTO)接軌國際經貿後,引發了傳統產業轉型、外移,大量的工廠面臨停產、廢棄的危機,再加上2002年開始,行政院因應公營事業民營化而啟動跨部會「產業文化資產調查小組」,開始大規模國營企業的文化資產清查計畫,以上這些事件開啟了產業文化資產保存推動的觀念。臺灣印刷產業一百多年來在技術的更替下,許多早期的印刷技術如雕版印刷、活版印刷等,因不符合當時代需求遭到淘汰,保留到現今成為產業文化資產。台灣基督長老教會保留一部1872年製Albion Press活版印刷機,咸認為是臺灣第一部活版印刷機。本研究以產業文化資產的立場,來審視此批印刷產業機具,分為「歷史溯源」:Albion Press活版印刷機之機型溯源;「藝術美學」:Albion Press活版印刷機之美;「科學技術」:Albion Press活版印刷機之科學與技術;「社會影響」:Albion Press活版印刷機對當時社會大眾的影響,四個面向來討論此批機具的價值,可以發現此批印刷產業文化資產具有極高的價值,值得向文化主管機關提報成為國家列冊古物。


After Taiwan's accession to the WTO in 2002 was in line with international economics and trade, it triggered the transformation and relocation of traditional industries, and a large number of factories were facing the crisis of suspension and abandonment. In the beginning of 2002, the Executive Yuan responded to the privatization of public enterprises, and established the inter-ministerial "industry cultural assets investigation team" to begin a large-scale state-owned cultural enterprise asset inventory program, these events initiated the industry concept of promoting the preservation of cultural assets. Taiwan's printing industry has undergone technological change for more than 100 years. The early printing technologies, such as woodblock printing and letterpress printing, were eliminated because they did not meet the contemporary needs, and have become the industrial cultural assets today. The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan retains an Albion Hand Printing Press made in 1872, which is considered the first movable type printing press in Taiwan. This research examines this batch of printing industry machines from the standpoint of industrial cultural assets. They are divided into "historical traceability": the model traceability of Albion Hand Printing Press; "artistic aesthetics": the beauty of Albion Hand Printing Press; "science and technology" The science and technology of Albion Hand Printing Press; and "social influence": the contemporary impact of Albion Hand Printing Press on the public. By discussing the value of this batch of machinery and tools from the above four aspects, it was found that this batch of printing industry cultural assets has extremely high value and is worth reporting to the cultural authority as national listed antiquities.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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