Education has been considered one of the core functions and businesses of museums. As a social education institution, museums have particularly put emphasis on audience participation, connection and interaction with the community and society, and the social impact of museums in recent years. As the world faced COVID-19 at the end of 2019, museums had to respond quickly in terms of policy, finance, and organizational structure, especially in the traditional education sector, which has undergone a wide range of changes in both function and mission, from exhibition experience and participatory interaction design to public, community, and marketing, and even in the organizational changes where education is hidden under complex tasks. In particular, the traditional education department has undergone a wide range of changes in both its functions and missions, from exhibition experience and participatory interaction design to the public, community/community, and marketing, etc. Facing various challenges inside and outside the organization, how should museum education departments think of these trends and how should educators respond to these challenges? This article uses the case of the Oakland Museum of California (OMCA) to rethink the role and meaning of education in museums and the possible changes in museum education in the future.
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