


Discussion for Technology Application of Designation or Registration of Intangible Cultural Heritage


陳宏志(Hung-Chih Chen)


無形文化資產 ; 登錄或認定審議 ; 科技應用 ; 區塊鏈 ; 存證 ; Intangible cultural heritage ; Review of Designation or Registration ; Technology application ; Blockchain ; Proofing




26卷4期(2022 / 12 / 01)


5 - 24






According to Article 6 of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, "the competent authorities shall organize review committees to review the designation, registration, or revocation of various types of cultural heritage and other important matters stipulated in this Act". The review for the designation, registration, or revocation of various types of cultural heritage refers to two main issues, including the material or documents provision (objective) and expert judgment (subjective) to designation or registration. But the material or documents for review are almost records, reports or status. With decentralization and hard to tamper records, blockchain application could ensure data security and follow up the digital footprint. This application could help provide more complete and in-time information than before. Besides, according to Article 3 Section 2 of the Act mentioned above, intangible cultural heritage includes: 1. traditional performing arts, 2. traditional craftsmanship, 3. oral traditions and expressions, 4. folklore and 5. traditional knowledge and practices. Most intangible cultural heritage means that knowledge, skills and related practices addressed to nature environment that are accumulated or developed by different ethnic or social groups over a long period of time to survive in, adapt to, and handle with. Blockchain Proofing might not fit all of them to improve the process of designation or registration. For that, this study takes "traditional performing arts", "traditional craftsmanship", and "folklore" as examples. For proofing these developed histories or outcomes, blockchain proofing might be an appropriate application for objective material provision, especially in the creative process. However, the application of this new technology can't replace subjective expert judgment yet. In future research, using Big data or other technology applications might improve the designation or registration process.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 管理學
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