University museums serve as cultural venues on campus through research, collection, and exhibition tasks, but also as a place for exhibitions and promotions of educational purposes. Besides providing informal education on campus, it also responds to contemporary social issues through connecting and exchanging academic opinions and ideas amid neighboring communities. Originating from Japan, the idea of Science Agora is to build a Science & Technology (S&T) Forum invites actors from different fields and generations to join diverse activities and generate new values through interactions among actors. Based on the concept and practice of Science Agora in Japan, this research attempts to turn National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) Museum into a multifunctional science communication platform as well as S&T Forum. Having been experienced in organizing science promotions and exhibitions, the museum successfully pulled together a small-scale experimental science agora at the end of 2019. With the use of actor-network theory (ANT), this research intends to open a discussion concerning communications between people of different actors. Through analyzing questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, this research shall examine 1. interactions between diverse actors in the Science Agora, and 2. the feasibility of using Science Agora as a bilateral communication platform in a higher education research institute to enhance the promotion of knowledge in science and technology amongst the general public. The research results indicate the Science Agora to be a success in communication and promotion knowledge of science and technology. With public awareness and interest in technological topics being raised through the Science Agora organized by National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) Museum, the original exhibition function of the university museum now facilitates bilateral communications and interactions between various actors. With the ANT theory at hand, the organizers were able to pinpoint the roles and purposes of various actors to carry out the operation of the science communication platform.
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