


Pathological Anatomy Laboratory for Modern People: On Li Qiao's Short Psychological Novels The Limits of Men and Ecstatic World




侯作珍(Tzuoh-Jen Hou)


李喬 ; 心理小說 ; 意識流 ; 佛洛伊德 ; 自衛機制 ; 中年危機 ; Li Qiao ; Psychological novel ; steam of consciousness ; Freud ; Defense mechanism ; Midlife crisis




17期(2010 / 06 / 20)


267 - 292




現代主義文學在六○年代的台灣風行的內容之一,是以佛洛伊德精神分析學說為主要影響的心理小說。心理小說通常以描寫個人複雜的內心活動與感情思想為主,常見以單一敘事觀點、時序錯亂、意識流或內心獨白的運用來展現人物非理性的心理面向,刻劃現代人在各種壓力下所造成的矛盾衝突情緒與壓抑扭曲的精神創傷。它不僅是現代主義文學的一個重要類別,也對台灣的現代派和鄉土派作家影響深遠。 本文以鄉土派作家李喬的短篇心理小說《人的極限》和《恍惚的世界》為研究對象,探討他的心理小說所具有的現代人病理解剖的特質,反映了戰後台灣工業化初期的人的心理問題。本文將探討的重點置於兩個層面:一是探討李喬如何運用意識流和佛洛伊德學說中的「自我防衛機制」來塑造小說人物面對挫折時的逃避心理、病態行為和扭曲人格;二是分析這些病態人格所由產生的問題根源,揭示出工業社會僵化的人生規範和偏差的父權價值/各種權力關係所帶給人們的身心傷害。李喬的短篇心理小說彷彿現代人的病理解剖室,促使我們對宰制人類自由的僵化人生規範、父權價值與權力關係進行反省,這也正是李喬短篇心理小說所寓含的深層批判。


Modernist literature is one of the popular literature forms in Taiwan in the 60s, and is mainly the psychological novels influenced by psychoanalytic theories of Freud. The descriptions of psychological novels focus on the inner activities, affections, and thinking of an individual. The irrational psychological aspect of a character tends to be expressed by the application of the viewpoint of single narrative, disordered chronological order, steam of consciousness, and inner monologue and the emotional conflicts, and repressed and distorted psychological trauma of modern people caused by various stresses tends to be described in psychological fictions. Psychological fiction is not merely an important classification of modernist literature, but also has far-reaching impact on modernist writers and local writers. The short psychological novels, ”The Limits of Men” and ”Ecstatic World”, by local writer Li Qiao, were chosen as the research subjects to investigate the psychopathological and psychoanalytical traits of modern people in his psychological Novels. His novels reflected the psychological problems of the early stage of industrialization in postwar Taiwan. The focuses of the study are on two aspects: First, to investigate how Li Qiao used the steam of consciousness, and ”defense mechanism” of Freud's theories to describe the evasiveness, sickness behavior, and twisted personalities of characters when facing frustrations. Second, to analyze the origin of these psychopathic personalities and disclose the physical and psychological damage that the rigid norms of life of Industrial society and biased patriarchal value have brought to people, which urges readers to introspect the norms of life, traditional value, and power relation that dominate the freedom of mankind. It is also the in-depth criticism implied in the psychological novels of Li Qiao.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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