


The Place Where Aesthetics and Ethics Encounter: Feng Zhi's Realm of "Interhuman Communication"


佐藤普美子(Fumiko Sato)


馮至 ; 境界 ; 交往 ; 美感 ; 倫理 ; Feng Zhi ; Yijing ; Interhuman-communication ; Aesthetic Feelings ; Ethical Value




27期(2015 / 06 / 20)


151 - 166






As Li Guang-tian explains in "Art of Poetry", one of the themes of Feng Zhi's Sonnets is pondering the relationship between the self and others such as "person and person" or "man and nature". Marian Galik also pointed out a constantly recurring theme in Feng Zhi's poetry appeared right at the beginning: interhuman communication. Although the style of FengZhi's work was outwardly changed in his 70 years career as a poet, there is really a constant concern for the interhuman communication between the self and others. What sort of place is FengZhi's realm of interhuman communication? The aim of this paper is to elaborate the meaning of interhuman communication mainly by approaching Feng Zhi's notable works from the 1920s to the 1940s which relate to this theme. Wang Guo-wei's "Create ideal place" and "Write real place" implicate "the artistic conception of Yijing created by a true artist contains natural things and his ideal". His "True feelings" could be elaborated as "aesthetic feelings" from the depth of a poet's heart by means of interaction with the external world. Feng Zhi succeeded in giving aesthetic feelings and ethical value to Wang Guo-wei's term "Jingjie" or "Yijing". Consequently, he integrates aesthetic feelings with ethical value by creating the realm of interhuman communication. Thereby he can encourage us to discover such a special place in our ordinary life or inconspicuous people and things.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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