


On "Geography Turn" in Poetry of China Mainland in the Beginning of the 21st Century -Take Lei Pingyang and "Pictographic" Poet Group for Example




地理轉向 ; 空間 ; 地方 ; 詩學地理 ; 雷平陽 ; 「象形」詩群 ; geography turn ; space ; place ; geography in poetics ; Lei Pingyang ; "Pictographic" poet group




27期(2015 / 06 / 20)


33 - 51






Since 2000, with massive urbanization movement at high speed, and correspond to nostalgic ethos springing up in social culture, the relations between poet's writing and geography is strangely emphasized in mainland; it has now become a common practice that poets write the nature geography and human geography of their's hometown, and receive timely approval from the critics. The major phenomenon occurred in the begining of the 21st century argues that the "personalized" poetics prevailing in the 1990s has already presented demonstrable "geography turn" in mainland's poetry circle. About it, the paper mainly adopts the concepts of "space" and "place" from Yi-fu Tuan, a Chinese-American humanistic geographer, take famous poet Lei Pingyang and "Pictographic" poet group for Example, by making a comprehensive survey and analysis on "geography in poetics", explores the aesthetical role and aesthetical meanings of geography factor in mainland's poetical writing in new century, and then uncover the poets' response both functionally and emotionally to the special context of social history and temporal change behind poetry phenomenon.

主题分类 人文學 > 中國文學
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